Parents: First, Do No Harm

By Teresa Meyer November 8, 2015

I share this information with young families, as I did not have this knowledge until my children were older, and I hope others can avoid the mistakes I made. I’m paying it forward here.
Parents: When you consider antibiotics (abx) for your children because it makes your heart ache to watch them suffer, consider the long term impact, not just short term benefits.

Wiped out gut flora
Weakened immune system
Cyclical illness
Tinnitus and hearing loss
Eczema and/or psoriasis
Halted self manufacturing of certain vitamins like K, B
Candida overgrowth

When I hear someone say they gave their child over the counter (otc) pain relievers because the child was suffering from an ear ache and the parent felt it would be cruel to allow the child to suffer, I remember how I used to have that same mindset. I’ve adopted a kind of reverse psychology since those days.

Nowadays, after years of observation:
I think it’s harmful to give a child pain relievers, knowing the harm pain relievers do.
Temporary pain is a part of everyone’s life.
The notion that we must halt all pain or symptoms has negative consequences.
Illness allows the body to kick in its own defenses if we don’t subvert it. Otc meds thwart healing.
Pain is not fun, but is a part of life, sometimes, for betterment.
NSAIDS block neurotransmitters (signals) from the brain which tells the body to send healing (fibroblasts) to the site of trauma.
You teach your child that pain is to be avoided at all costs.
You teach a child that pain is to be avoided by taking drugs.
You teach that child to pass that knowledge on to their own children later.

Most importantly, otc NSAIDS or any analgesics will have long term repercussions that will negatively outweigh the short term benefits it may or may not produce. See above list.

Consider allowing the illness to run its course, knowing that otc meds will assault a child’s immune system and body systems far worse than temporary pain and discomfort. Parents can work to develop long term vision and see otc drugs for what they are: the cause of more suffering in the future. Work at developing a new mindset that minor childhood illnesses can be healing and protective in and of themselves by building antibodies and encouraging the immune system.

This is not to say we shouldn’t treat pain at all. There are all kinds of therapies and treatments we have access to. It’s a matter of knowing about them and utilizing them.

Hugs and kisses
High vitamin C
Rest and sleep
Bone broth
EO’s and herbs
Hot bath

Not every illness needs treatment. Sometimes just elimination, hydration, rest and time bring healing. The body can be strengthened by illness through the build up of antibodies.

In order to be confident to home-treat illnesses, a parent must research to gain knowledge of how to treat various conditions, and become involved with others that do, so as to glean wisdom from those that are well versed in it. Then jump in and start applying your knowledge. You’ll gain confidence quickly. Knowledge is empowerment.

THIS IS NOT about circumstances where children or adults have acute conditions. This is about minor illnesses as part of life.

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