Creation medicine vs Evolution-based medicine

Conventional, allopathic medicine treats the body as a vat of chemicals randomly misfiring and needing intervention. Think of its pillars: vaccines, surgeries and removal of body organs, manipulation of processes and symptoms through chemicals and drugs and an obsession with “genetic disease.” All these types of treatments treat the body as inadequate and treats functioning organs as unnecessary mistakes of physiology and seeks to remove them for no reason whatsoever. Conventional doctors want us to believe that nothing we do in life can help us improve our outcomes and we need their drugs forever until we die. We are led to believe that these drugs are necessary for our survival, as the body has failed randomly and is incapable of life on its own now. We have been told to put our faith in doctors, chemo, drugs and vaccines–not in our ability to heal through support of the body. This view of the body does not leave room for intelligent design or the belief that the body was made with a purpose and in the image of a loving God.

Natural medicine seeks to support the body through an illness or imbalance to return the body to wholeness, which is its default and its normal. This type of approach to the body has a foundational belief that the body will do the healing itself. It is up to us to help facilitate the healing of the body through supporting it with the tools, resources and environment necessary to organize a process resulting in healing and wholeness. When you respect and believe that the body is surging with intelligence and intention and is not a mistake of random evolution, you will always seek to support it and seek resolution and not to simply cover up a symptom and allow the imbalance or lack of resources to continue. ~ Jake Velie CPT

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  1. This is fabulous! Is there a (safe) way to share this article publicly? I’ve googled and can’t find it anywhere else.

  2. I agree it’s a great quote. My friend Jake Velie said it several years ago. I thought it was so profound, I wrote it down and asked permission to use it publicly, which he granted. Feel free to use it, as long as you put it in quotes and credit Jake.