Alt Dentists & Dental Care

Dr. Weston Price was a dentist.  Dental care is extremely important to overall health.  They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but the teeth are the window into the skeleton.  Common dental practices have the potential to cause great harm.  Commonly accepted dental practices can be very damaging, including mercury fillingsroot canals, and fluoride.   We encourage you to learn all you can about any procedure before submitting to it.  Proper dental care and nutrition have the potential to support the body in healing.

If your or your children’s teeth are deteriorating look at your nutrition first!  Work with a knowledgeable health practitioner to make sure you are giving your body the nutrients it needs, and that you are digesting the foods that you eat.  Dental treatments will only be a “band-aid” type solution if the underlying nutrition is not there to support strong teeth.  Learn all you can about the important role of fat-soluble vitamins in remineralizing cavities.”

READ this first:  I encourage everyone to read the 10 Signs Your Dentist is Truly Holistic article before beginning your search, so you know what to look for in a dentist.

Biologic and Holistic Dentistry:

How to Recognize a Holistic Dentist:

Find a Biological Dentist:


Orthodontics & Pallet Expansion:

 ALF & Crozats Orthodontics:

Forward Growth Appliance, TMJ, Sleep & Orthodontics:

Articles, Books, Podcasts & Video:

Dental Articles on the Weston A. Price Foundation website:

Book Reviews:


Wise Traditions Conference Presentations: Available for purchase and download

Articles elsewhere on the web: