
A simple, natural, holistic,
alternative lifestyle

Community support for living a more chemical free, family oriented, nurturing lifestyle as God intended.

Image credits to Pacific Rim College

Whether just starting out on your journey, have specific limitations, or are going full bore, you’ll fit into Wise Home Life and be supported and appreciated. No flaming, no judging, just good natured discussion, and support.


Feel free to browse, download or print our files. Use keyword searches for topics of interest. Please use discretion when sharing certain files outside this membership.


Please subscribe for the latest website updates or events, sent right to your email inbox. Newsletters will be monthly or less.


Looking to increase personal growth and improve learning, networking, engagement, interaction and action outcomes in a healthy lifestyle? Please participate in our local Iowa events, or our national/international video conferences and workshops which will be announced when we’re ready to roll, sometime in the near future. Watch for Jen Anhalt’s Central Iowa in-person events, and for our upcoming Zoom workshop sessions hosted by Brian Kraft.


We only affiliate with reputable companies whose high standards and quality products we use ourselves. While our links are active, they are not currently wired to our system, but will be in the future. At that time, when the links are used by members, it will give WHL a little kickback which will go toward paying our tech guys to keep the site running smoothly.


Our Friends

"Women are WARRIORS for the Lord when they properly nourish their families. Cooking from scratch makes a mouth watering, healthy meal, incomparable to boxed, bagged, canned or already prepared food made of inferior, GM ingredients. Every moment in the kitchen is worth it because we are properly nourishing ourselves and our families. Every meal we sacrifice to make, every chemical we eliminate from our home environment, is a blow to the enemy and his cause.

We're not beat down, overworked kitchen slaves. We are WARRIORS. We make medicine food to nourish and nurture. We don't sacrifice our families for convenience. Convenience foods create weak bodies, weak minds, disease and dependency on pharms.

How many generations will be so weak from not nursing, and from malnutrition, to where our progeny are handicapped, have learning disabilities, are diseased or live short lives. How many women are infertile today because of their parent's diet and lifestyle choices? How is it that the diseases of the elderly are now seen in the young?

I say, bring back the Warriors!" - Wise Home 2006

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